Posted by Unknown |

- This world is neither true nor untrue. It is the shadow of truth.
- In this world everything depends upon one's words.
- The world has no absolute reality which only belongs to Brahman, which is beyond the reach of mind and speech.
- It is not creation, but manifestation.
- No two people see the same world.
- The world for me, not I for the world.
- This is the world my brother -this illusion of Maya- the Lord alone is true.
- This world is our friend when we are its slaves and no more.
- This world will always be a mixture of good and evil, of happiness and misery; this wheel will ever go up and come down; dissolution and resolution is the inevitable law.
- The whole world is full of God and not of sin.
- The universe is a cobweb; minds are spiders.
- This world is not fro our sake.
- The whole world is for man.
- This world will always continue to be mixture of good and evil.
- The universe is a fact; and if a fact, it is a huge composite of good and evil.
- The whole universe is a play of differentiation and oneness; the whole universe is a play of the finite in the Infinite.
- The whole universe is composed of subtle vibrations.
- God is true. The universe is a dream.
- The whole universe is a play of unity in variety, and of variety in unity.
- All that we see in the universe has for its basis this one struggle towards freedom.
- When the whole universe sleeps, He sleeps not.
- This world universe good not bad; the world is the world.
- This world is neither good nor evil.
- This world is like a dog's curly tail.
- That this world is created for our enjoyment is the most wicked idea that holds us down.
- This world is only one drop in an infinite ocean, one link in an infinite chain.
- It is much more difficult to live in the world and worship God than to give it up and live a free and easy life.
- This world is a play. You are His playmates, Go on and work, without and sorrow, without any misery.
- Everything in the world is good, is holy and beautiful.
- Beyond this world is something which is very real.