Posted by Unknown |

- The whole world is full of the Lord.
- All the world is my country, the whole universe is mine, because I have clothed myself with it as my body.
- This world is nothing. Beyond this world is something which is very real.
- The world vanishes in a moment and is gone.
- We see the world as we are.
- This world is too full of blustering talk. We wand a little more earnest work, and less talk.
- Understand what this world is, so that it may not hurt you.
- Everything is bound by Karma.
- Woe unto the world when everyone is of the same religious opinion and takes to the same path.
- The world is just a playground and we are here having good fun, having a game.
- We must die, that is certain; let us die then for a good cause.
- This world is a means to an end, and not an end itself.
- Worlds must disappear in the soul like drops in the ocean.
- The whole world is full of God and not of sin.
- This is the school of misery, which is also the school for great souls and prophets for the cultivation of sympathy, of patience, and , above all, of an indomitable iron will which quakes not even if the universe be pulverized at our feet.
- This earth is higher than all heavens; this is the greatest school in the universe.This very world is seen by the five senses as matter, by the very wicked as hell, by the good as heaven and by the perfect as GOD.
- This earth is higher than all heavens; this is the greatest school in the universe.
- This very world is seen by the five senses as matter, by the very wicked as hell, by the good as heaven, and by the perfect as God.
- Praise and censure have no value in this world of ours.
- This world does not exist outside. It is all a mental projection.
- This world is and is not-manifold yet one. Jagat (world)-means that which is moving.
- This world will be world ever and always. What we are, so we see it.
- The progress of the world means more enjoyment and more misery too.
- There is no world. It is God Himself. In delusion we call it world.
- The world is a form of our thoughts.
- This world is not for cowards.