Posted by Unknown |

- The whole world is one.
- Worldly people love life.
- The whole universe is in fact the result of this struggle for freedom.
- The whole universe, therefore, is a unit , from whatever standpoint you view it.
- The whole universe is one person; let go the little things.
- The whole universe of this universe is one Unity, one Existence, physically, mentally, morally and spiritually.
- The whole universe is all one in the Self which is called Brahman.
- The whole universe is that one Unit Existence; name and form have created all these various differences.
- The whole universe is really one.
- Throughout the universe is a unity (at bottom).
- The whole universe is a vast play.
- This universe itself is the Absolute, the Unchangeable, the noumenon.
- The whole universe itself is every hurrying on to return to that state of equilibrium again.
- The universe is our body.
- Name and form constitute the universe.
- The whole universe is imagination, but one set of imaginations will cure another set.
- The universe is really homogeneous.
- The universe is all built on the same plane.
- There is both change and changeless in this universe.
- This universe is a constant prayer.
- The universe is - objectified God.
- Everything must be sacrificed, if necessary, for that one sentiment, universality.
- Every phenomenon that we can see, feel, or think of, is finite, limited by our knowledge, and the personal God as we conceive of Him is in fact a phenomenon.
- This earth is called the KARMA-BHUMI; the sphere of KARMA.
- This earth, therefore, is the Karma-bhumi; it is this earth from which we attain to liberation.
- Everything moves in a circle; a straight line, infinitely produced, becomes a circle.
- Everything is in a state of flux.