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Black Berry - The Best Fruit Of All


Blackberries refer to the plant of the genus and species Rubus fruticosis, as well as its fruit. Blackberries are perennial plants which typically bear biennial stems ("canes") from the perennial root system. The fruit of Blackberry is a bramble fruit (an aggregate of drupelets) with the receptacle is elongated and part of the ripe fruit, making the blackberry an aggregate-accessory fruit.
In botanical terminology, the fruit is not a berry, but an aggregate fruit of numerous drupelets. There are numerous subspecies and a number of cultivars that have been developed from common blackberries, including Marionberries, and Olallieberries. Blackberry fruit changes its color from yellow or green to red or dark red and then purplish-black or black when blackberries are ripe.
Blackberries are excellent eaten plain, or topped with ice cream. They make delicious jams, preserves, pies, honey and tarts. Blackberries in muffins are simply delicious, and blackberry scones are popular.


Calories — 43; Sugar – 5 grams; Fiber – 5 grams; Omega 3′s – 94. Mg; Antioxidants – 4.77 mmol; Glycemic Load – 3;Vitamin A – 4%;B Vitamins – 16%;Vitamin C – 35%;Vitamin E – 6%;Vitamin K – 25%;Potassium – 5%.
Composite Nutrition Score, Blackberries: 64


- High levels of anthocyanins work as antioxidants to help fight free radical damage.
- helps prevent breast and cervical cancer, heart disease, stroke.
- fiber content helps maintain digestive health, reduce cholesterol levels, control blood sugar
- cyanidin-3-O-glucoside may help protect against endothelial dysfunction and vascular failure induced by peroxynitrite.

- gallic acid works as an anti-fungal and anti-viral antioxidant which is used to help treat hemorrhoids and psoriasis.
- The astringent blackberry root is sometimes used in herbal medicine as a treatment for diarrhea and dysentery.
- protect against pleurisy and lung inflammation.
- boost immune system.
- high in dietary fiber
- contain p-coumaric acid which can lower the risk of stomach cancer.
- fights oxidative stress, cardiovascular disease.
- flavonoids promote vision health
- prevents macular degeneration
- Evergreen blackberries contain ellagic acid which works as anti-carcinogen, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
- helps reduce the risks of certain cancers.
- helps strengthen the blood vessels in body.
- ellagic acid as antiviral properties and help to lower high blood pressure
- anthocyanins prevent the effects of aging, diabetes, and neurological diseases.
- contains polyphenol antioxidants that can upregulate certain beneficial metabolic processes in mammals.


·         Blackberries are rich in bioflavonoid and Vitamin C, but other nutritional benefits include a very low sodium count and having only 62 calories to a cup.
·         The dark color confirms that blackberries are a rich source of a particular antioxidant called Anthocyanin. This helps in lowering the risk of a number of cancers and strokes
·         Brambleberries, bramble, dewberry, thimbleberry and lawers are the various names of the fruit.
·         Blackberrie promotes the healthy tightening of tissue, which is a good non-surgical procedure to make skin look younger.
·         Prolonging the consumption also helps keeps your brain alert, thereby maintaining clarity of thought and good memory.
·         The high tannin content of blackberries reduces intestinal inflammation, alleviate hemorrhoids and soothe the effects of diarrhea. It is important to incorporate berries in your diet in a variety of ways. Have them as a snack or in your cereal or even as a smoothie.
·         The leaves and barks of the plant have also been consumed for it medicinal value. The leaves of blackberries have been used to treat mild inflammation of the gums and sometimes even sore throats.
·         The astringent tannins are effective in oral hygiene when used as a gargle or mouthwash.
·         The leaves can also be used in a refreshing cup of tea or enhanced as a therapeutic drink. The bitterness can be lowered by adding some honey to it.
·         The healthy dose of Vitamin K aids in muscle relaxing, so some women use the berries to alleviate labour pains and to regulate menstruation as it is very effective in helping blood to clot.