— ever-shifting displays of colored ribbons, curtains, rays, and spots — are
most visible near the north (aurora borealis) and south (aurora australis)
poles as charged particles (called ions) streaming from the sun (the solar
wind) interact with Earth's magnetic field.
energetic charged particles enter the earth's atmosphere from the solar wind,
they tend to be channeled toward the poles by the magnetic force which causes
them to spiral around the magnetic field lines of the earth. They are energetic
enough to ionize air molecules, so a considerable number of atoms and molecules
are elevated to excited states. When they make the transition back to their
ground states they emit light characteristic of the atoms and molecules. Red
and green light emitted from oxygen atoms is a constituent of the light seen at
the poles. Atmospheric nitrogen also plays a role. An example of the colors
that might be visible can be found by observing the nitrogen spectrum. Near the
north pole the light show is called the aurora borealis and near the south pole
it is called aurora australis.
A polar
satellite captured images of aurora over the South Pole of the Earth. UV
photographs of Jupiter indicate that auroral phenomena occur in its polar
regions. Images of Saturn aurora show a very active pulsating pattern.
happen when ions in the solar wind collide with atoms of oxygen and nitrogen in
the upper atmosphere. The atoms are excited by these collisions, and they
typically emit light as they return to their original energy level. The light
creates the aurora that we see. The most commonly observed color of aurora is
green, caused by light emitted by excited oxygen atoms at wavelengths centered
at 0.558 micrometers, or millionths of a meter. (Visible light is reflected
from healthy (green) plant leaves at approximately the same wavelength.) Red
aurora are generated by light emitted at a longer wavelength (0.630
micrometers), and other colors such as blue and purple are also sometimes
Most visitors to Alaska never get to see an
aurora, because they come in the summer, when skies are rarely dark enough.
Alaskans claim that only around August 16 does the sky get dark enough to see
stars, which is when aurora stands out. After that date, your best bet is to go
to Fairbanks--and since the brightest auroras occur around midnight (or later,
due to Alaska's time zone), you might have to stay up a long time. Perhaps it
is better then to ask the night clerk at your hotel to ring you up if a good
display becomes visible.
seen amazing images of the Aurora Borealis and its counterpart, the Aurora
Australis here on Environmental Graffiti in the past, but now you have a chance
to see them as never before: from space. If you think the view down on Earth is
incredible beyond words, wait until you see what these natural light phenomena
look like from the International Space Station and through the lens of the
Hubble Telescope.