- I call him a traitor who, having been educated and nursed in luxury by the heart's blood of the downtrodden millions of the toiling poor, never even takes a thought for them.
- Give and take is the law.
- Do any deserve liberty who are not ready to give it to others?
- None can hate others without degenerating himself.
- Beware of everything that is untrue, stick to truth and we shall succeed, may be slowly, but surely.
- Work, work, for to work only for the good of others is life.
- I do not believe in a God who cannot give me bread here, giving me eternal bliss in heaven!
- Onward, my brave boys- money or no money - men or no men! Have you love? Have you God? Onward, and forward to the breach, you are irresistible.
- Everything must be sacrificed, if necessary, for that one sentiment, universality.
- The Gerua robe is not for enjoyment. It is the banner of heroic work.
- You have read: Look upon your mother as God, look upon your father as God :- but I say: The poor, the illiterate, the ignorant, the afflicted - let these be your God. Know that service to these alone is the highest religion.
- The self-seeking man who is looking after his personal comforts and leading a lazy life - there is no room for him even in hell.
- Matter does not serve Spirit.