Posted by Unknown |
- I base my teachings on the great Vedantic truth of the sameness and omnipresence of the Sour of the Universe.
- My religion means expansion, and expansion means realization and perception in the highest sense - no mumbling worlds or genuflections.
- My stay - my guide in life - my refuge - my friend - my teacher - my God - my real Self, Thou wilt never leave me, never.
- My motto is to learn whatever good things I may come across anywhere.
- Only one kind of work I understand, and that is doing good to others; all else is doing evil.
- I like boldness and adventure and my race stands in need of theat spirit very much.
- I am the Advaitist; our goal is knowledge - no feelings, no love, as all that belongs to matter and superstition and bondage.
- For all time my head shall bend low in reverence wherever I see greatness, broadness of heart, and holiness.
- I see clear as daylight that there is the one Brahman in all, in them and me - one Shakti dwells in all. The only difference is of manifestation.
- Individuality is my motto.
- I seek no help. I reject none.
- I only say, awake, awake!
- I will stand by unto death whether you work for India or not, whether you give up Vedanta or remain in it.
- My hope of the future lies in the youths of character - intelligent, renouncing all for the service of others, and obedient - who can sacrifice their lives in working out my ideas and thereby do good to themselves and the country at large.
- Mother's grace, Mother's blessings are all paramount to me.
- My ideal indeed can be put into a few words and that is : to preach unto mankind their divinity, and how to make it manifest in every movement of life.
- Come what may, I must attain my ideal first.
- Come what may, I shall not forget my duty, whether the world remains or dissolves - these are the words of a great hero.
- I am born to proclaim to them that fearless message - "ARISE, AWAKE!"
- I hate only on thing in the world - hypocrisy.
- I have found the pearl for which I dived into the ocean of life.
- Alone and drifting about in the will-current of the Mother has been my whole life.
- I am attaining peace that passeth understanding, which is neither joy nor sorrow, but something above them both.
- 'I reject the Vedas!' is the last word of the Vedanta philosophy.
- I have never retreated in a fight.
- I want my work to be quick like lightning, and firm as adamant.
- 'India, with all thy faults I love thee still.'
- I am doing to Lord's work, and wherever He leads I follow.
- I love my God, my religion, my country.
- I love the poor, the ignorant, the downtrodden, I feel for them - the Lord knows how much.
- Only let me be perfectly pure, perfectly sincere, and perfectly unselfish.
- The upshot of the whole thing is - I want, bold, daring, adventurous spirits to help me. Else I will work alone. I have a mission to fulfill I will work it out alone.