- Egotism is like a cloud that keeps GOD hidden from our sight. If by the mercy of the Guru egotism vanishes, God is seen in His full glory. As for instance, you see in the picture that Sri Rama, who is God, is only two or three steps ahead of Lakshmana (the Jiva), but Sita (Maya) coming in between the two, prevents Lakshmana from having a view of Rama.
- The sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but it can do nothing when the clouds shut out its rays. Similarly,so long as egotism is in the heart, God cannot shine upon it.
- If I hold this cloth before me , you cannot see me any more though I am still as near to you that anything else, yet by reason of the screen of egotism you cannot see him.
- Q. Sir, why are we so bound? Why cannot we see God? A. Because the idea of self is the Maya of the soul. It is our egotism that shuts out the light. When this "I" is gone , all difficulty will have vanished. If by god's grace the thought that "I am not the doer" is firmly established in the heart, a man becomes free even in his life. For him there is no more fear.
- So long as there is egotism neither self-knowledge (Jnana) nor liberation (Mukti) is possible, and there is no cessation of birth and death.
- The true nature of the Jiva is eternal Existence-Knowledge-Bliss. It is egotism that has brought about so many Upadhis (limiting adjuncts), till he has quite forgotten his own nature.
- The nature of the Jiva changes with the addition of each Upadhi. When a man dresses like a fop, wearing fine black-bordered muslin, the love-songs of Nidhy Babu spring to his lips. A pair of English boots inflates even a languid man with the delight of vanity - he immediately begins to whistle, and if he has to ascend a flight of stairs, he leaps up from one step to another like a Sahib (European). If a man holds a pen in his hand, he will go on scratching carelessly on any paper he can lay hold of.
- Money is an Upadhi (conditioning factor) of a very strong nature. As soon as a man becomes rich, he is thoroughly changed.
- Rice, pulses, and potatoes when put into cold water in an earthen jar can be touched with the hand, until after heat has been applied to them. The same statement applies to the Jiva. This body is the earthen jar; wealth and learning, caste and lineage, power and position, and so on are like the rice, the pulses, and the potatoes. Egotism if the hear. The Jiva is made so hot (Haughty) by egotism!
- Twice God smiles - once, when two brothers go to law about the partition of their land, and once again when the doctor assures that he will save the patient's life. The fool of a physician does not know that no human power can save him who, the Lord chooses to destroy.
- The consciousness of self is of two kinds: one ripe and the other unripe. "Nothing is mine, whatever I see, feel or hear - nay , even this body itself is not mine. I am always eternal, free, and all-knowing" - such consciousness as this originates int e ripe ego; while the unripe ego makes man feel himself for ever related to the transitory things of the world. "This is my house, this is my child, this is my wife" - consciousness like this is the manifestation of the unripe ego.
- The "I" which makes a man worldly, and attached to lust and wealth, is mischievous. The individual and the Universal are separated owing to this "I" coming between them. If a stick be thrown, a sheet of water will appear to be divided into two. This stick is the "Aham (Ego)." Take it away and the water is again a single undivided mass.
- What is called the "mischievous I" The "I" which says, "What! Don't they know me? I have so much money! Who is do wealthy as myself? Who dares to surpass me?"