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- The highest men are calm, silent, and unknown. They are the men who really know the power of thought; they are sure that, even if they go into a cave and close the door and simply think five true thoughts and then pass away, these five thoughts of theirs will live through eternity, Indeed such thoughts will penetrate through the mountains, cross the oceans, and travel through the world.
- It is thought which is the propelling force in us. Fill the mind with the highest thoughts, hear them day after day, think them month after month. Never mind failures; they are quite natural, they are the beauty of life, these failures. What would life be without them? It would not be worth having if it were not for struggles. Where would be the poetry of life? Never mind the struggles, the mistakes.
- We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care of what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live, they travel far. Each thought we think is tinged with our own character, so that for the pure and holy man, even his jests or abuse will have the twist of his own love and purity and do good.
- Each thought is a little hammer blow on the lump of iron which our bodies are, manufacturing out it what we want it to be.
- The word and the thought are inseparable. The external part of one and the same thing is what we call word, and the internal part is what we call thought.
- Evil thoughts, looked at materially, are the disease bacilli.
- Every thought projected from every brain goes on pulsating, as it were, until it meets a fit object that will receive it.
- Every vicious thought will rebound, every thought of hatred which you may have thought, in a cave even, is stored up, and will one day come back to you with tremendous power in the form of some misery here. If you project hatred and jealousy, they will rebound on you with compound interest. No power can avert them; when once you have put them in motion, you will have to bear them. Remembering this will prevent you from doing wicked things.
- "Liberty of thought and action is the only condition of life, of growth and well being." Where it does not exist, the man, the race, the nation must go down.
- Whatever you do, think well on it. All your actions will be magnified, transformed, deified, by the very power of thought. If matter is powerful, thought is omnipotent.
- The great sexual force, raised from animal action and sent upward to great dynamo of the human system, the brain, and there stored up, becomes Ojas or spiritual force. All good thought,all prayer, resolves a part of that animal energy into Ojas and helps to give us spiritual power. This Ojas is the real man and in human beings alone is it possible for this storage of Ojas to be accomplished. One in whom the whole animal sex force has been transformed into Ojas is a God. He speaks with power, and his world regenerate the world.
- "In my first speech in this country, in Chicago, I addressed that audience as 'SISTERS AND BROTHERS OF AMERICA', and you know that they all rose to their feet. You may wonder what made them do this, you may wonder if I had some strange power. Let me tell you that I did have a power and this is it - never once in my life did I allow myself to have even one sexual thought I trained my mind, my thinking, and the powers that man usually uses along that line I put into a higher channel, and it developed a force so strong that nothing could resist it."
- There is a great tendency in modern times to talk too much of work and decry thought. Doing is very good, but that comes from thinking. Little manifestations of energy through the muscles are called work. But where there is no thought there will be no work. Fill the brain, therefore, with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work. Talk not about impurity but say that we are pure.