- We are sons of Light and children o God. Glory unto the Lord, we will succeed.
- Love the poor, the miserable, the downtrodden, and the Lord will bless you.
- The obverse is tyranny and the reverse slavery. The slave and the tyrant are synonymous.
- Freedom is the only condition of growth; take that off, the result is degeneration.
- Have faith in yourselves, great convictions are the mothers of great deeds.
- Remember that the nation lives in the cottage.
- Think not that you are poor; money is not power, but goodness, holiness.
- God can only be known in and through man.
- Three things are necessary to make every man great, every nation great :-
2. Absence of jealousy and suspicion.
3. Helping all who are trying to be and do good.
- No good thing van be done without obstruction. It is only those who persevere to the end that succeed.
- Do not try to lead your brethren, but serve them. Th brutal mania for leading has sunk many a great ship in the waters of life.